November marks the end of the Guatemalan school year as well as the Reading Village program year. And so we gathered with our partner communities to celebrate this year’s successes and the high school graduations of the youth leaders who have completed our program. This year 50 teens reached 2,500 children with regular and dynamic reading activities designed to enhance their reading comprehension, vocabulary and critical and creative thinking skills. And we honored 15 of the teens who graduated this year. These young adults are now headed to university and/or gainful employment. In 2016 we’ll fill those 15 spots with brand new Freshman and add 18 additional youth from new partner communities. There is so much to celebrate and be grateful for!
These successes would not be possible without your support. To all of you who have contributed financially, shared our story with others who then also contributed, traveled to Guatemala to immerse yourself in the work, donated books and supplies, contributed professional services, served on our board of directors and gave of your precious time…thank you! It takes a village to create a reading village.
Happy Holidays, and many thanks for being a part of the Reading Village family!
Linda Smith, Founder and Executive Director of Reading Village
Category: Founders Corner