During my last visit to the community of Concepción I encountered a small boy walking toward me. It did my heart good to see a book in his hand. The fact that he was carrying it in a plastic bag told me that he wanted to take good care of this precious item.
He had checked out the book from our supply room cum library and was returning it. I asked him if he enjoyed the story, and his face lit up with a big smile. ¡Sí, mucho! I thanked him for taking such good care of the book and told him he could check out another one. At the thought of bringing home another book he was physically overcome with ants-in-his-pants excitement. From my perspective, it just doesn’t get any better than that.
Your donations keep books in the hands of little boys and girls like this, and on Wednesday, June 15, your donations goest even further. GlobalGiving will match 30% of all donations made on our GlobalGiving web page that day only. So, for example, a donation of $50 (10 books) becomes $65 (13 books).
Mark your calendar. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your impact!
Thank you for all you do to bring the power and joy of reading to children.
Category: News
Tags: philanthropiece