Our Scholars

In 2015, Reading Village will work with 53 scholars who will reach 3,000 young children with innovative literacy activities.

We currently operate in three communities all within the Department of Solola: Chuacruz, Concepcion, and Chuiquel. This department ranks among the nation’s lowest rates of school enrollment and advancement to the next grade and the effects ripple out across society: 20% of the Solola population suffers from chronic malnutrition, 43% of girls are physically stunted, 57% of the population lives in extreme poverty, and the majority of people have just one USD to spend on food every day.

Against this backdrop of struggle and injustice lies a generation of teenagers who are eager to fight for a brighter future. Participants in our Leaders & Readers program are hard working, resourceful, and generous individuals whom we are excited to support as they pave a path of prosperity within their communities.